“80% of users recall a video
they viewed in the past 30 days”
(source: Hubspot)
Whether it is filmed or animated, video is the most effective way to make your message stick. It’s also the most cost effective and can be delivered online – no classrooms or seminars necessary.
The more interesting, eye-catching or emotive the film, the more it will change attitudes and influence behaviours.
What’s your greatest challenge to establishing or maintaining safety standards?
[totalpoll id=”7847″]
We are experts in making engaging, effective films that help your people stay safe, or get safer.
If you’re still reading this, it’s because we gave you engaging content. Imagine what we could do to tell your story!
Call us to discuss your communications needs.
It’s free, and we’re very friendly.
Contact Mark on 079123 16378 or [email protected]
View more of our HSE work